Mn doping as a simple strategy for improving energy storage in BaBi4Ti4O15 thin films


Gong C. Z.12,Yang B. B.1ORCID,Liu M.12ORCID,Zhang R. R.3,Tong H. Y.14,Wei R. H.1ORCID,Hu L.1ORCID,Zhu X. B.1ORCID,Sun Y. P.135ORCID


1. Key Laboratory of Materials Physics, Institute of Solid State Physics, HFIPS, Chinese Academy of Sciences 1 , Hefei 230031, China

2. University of Science and Technology of China 2 , Hefei 230026, China

3. High Magnetic Field Laboratory, HFIPS, Chinese Academy of Sciences 3 , Hefei 230031, China

4. School of Physics and Materials Engineering, Hefei Normal University 4 , Hefei 230601, China

5. Collaborative Innovation Center of Advanced Microstructures, Nanjing University 5 , Nanjing 210093, China


To obtain high energy storage density in ferroelectric films, polarization and breakdown field Eb are two crucial factors. The inversely coupled relationship between polarization and Eb is commonly observed and it remains a challenge to realize high Eb without deteriorating polarization. Selecting a suitable element doping should largely enhance the Eb since of the optimization of microstructures as well as the decrease in defects, meanwhile the doping should induce extra polarization contribution from lattice distortion. In this work, we reported that Eb can be largely enhanced via Mn doping in BaBi4Ti4O15 thin films due to grain refining, densification, and oxygen vacancy reduction. Interestingly, the polarization is not deteriorated since of the Mn doping effect induced extra polarization from the lattice distortion. Consequently, an ultrahigh energy storage density of 96 J/cm3 with a high efficiency of 76.6% was achieved in BaBi4Ti3.95Mn0.05O15 thin films with excellent stability and reliability. This work will provide a simple and effective route to improve the energy storage in dielectric capacitors.


the Hundred-Talent Program of Chinese Academy of Science

the National Natural Science Foundation of China

the Anhui Provincial Key R&D Program

the Eudcation Department of Anhui Province


AIP Publishing







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