Thermodynamics of the electron–positron plasma at very high temperatures and sources of annihilation γ-quanta in our Galaxy


Frolov Alexei M.1ORCID


1. Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Western Ontario , London, Ontario N6H 5B7, Canada


Thermodynamic properties and equations of state of the electron–positron plasma (or gas) at high and very high temperatures (T≥170 keV) are derived and investigated. We have derived a number of simple analytical formulas for the Fermi–Dirac distribution functions, which can be applied to various Fermi gases and plasmas in different cases. Almost all these formulas are represented in the form of series expansions. The coefficients in these expansions are relatively simple functions of the μT ratio, where T is the temperature and μ is the chemical potential of this Fermi system. Our approach works well for high-temperature electron–positron plasmas, which are in thermal equilibrium with the photon gas of annihilation γ-quanta, and for the model gas of fermions, where there is no radiation at all. The first case corresponds to the ultra-relativistic limit for high-temperature electron–positron plasma, while the second case represents a model Fermi gas of particles, which has some non-zero chemical potential. By investigating sources of annihilation γ-quanta in our Galaxy, we have arrived to a remarkable conclusion about the high-temperature limit in our regular (photon) optics.


AIP Publishing


Condensed Matter Physics

Reference45 articles.

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2. See for “ Numerical values of all physical constants in this study were taken from the NIST web-page,” 2023.

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