Molecular structure refinement based on residual dipolar couplings using magnetic-field rotational sampling


Pechlaner Maria1ORCID,van Gunsteren Wilfred F.1ORCID,Smith Lorna J.2ORCID,Hansen Niels3ORCID


1. Institute for Molecular Physical Science, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH 1 , CH-8093 Zurich, Switzerland

2. Department of Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory, University of Oxford 2 , South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QR, United Kingdom

3. Institute of Thermodynamics and Thermal Process Engineering, University of Stuttgart 3 , D-70569 Stuttgart, Germany


A method for structure refinement of molecules based on residual dipolar coupling (RDC) data is proposed. It calculates RDC values using magnetic-field rotational sampling of the rotational degrees of freedom of a molecule in conjunction with molecule-internal configurational sampling. By applying rotational sampling, as is occurring in the experiment, leading to observable RDCs, the method stays close to the experiment. It avoids the use of an alignment tensor and, therefore, the assumptions that the overall rotation of the molecule is decoupled from its internal motions and that the molecule is rigid. Two simple molecules, a relatively rigid and a very flexible cyclo-octane molecule with eight aliphatic side chains containing 24 united atoms, serve as so-called “toy model” test systems. The method demonstrates the influence of molecular flexibility, force-field dominance, and the number of RDC restraints available on the outcome of structure refinement based on RDCs. Magnetic-field rotational sampling is basically equivalent but more efficient than explicitly sampling the rotational degrees of freedom of the molecule. In addition, the performance of the method is less dependent on the number NRDC of measured RDC-values available. The restraining forces bias the overall orientation distribution of the molecule correctly. This study suggests that the information content of RDCs with respect to molecular structure is limited.


Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft


AIP Publishing







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