Ahmed Manal Ghassan,Ali Faez Hassan
Reference10 articles.
1. Haider A. Abdulkarim and Ibrahim F. Alshammari, "Comparison of Algorithms for Solving Traveling Salesman Problem", International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Tecnnology (IJEAT). ISSN: 2249-8958, Volume-4 Issue-6, August(2015).
2. Cagla Cergibozan, "Metaheuristic Solution Approaches for Traveling Salesman and Traveling Repairman Problems", thesis, (2013) IZMIR.
3. An effective method for solving multiple travelling salesman problem based on NSGA-II
4. Solving Large-Scale TSP Using a Fast Wedging Insertion Partitioning Approach
5. Wolfgang Garn “Balanced dynamic multiple travelling salesman: algorithms and continuous approximations” arXiv:2008.12063vl [math. OC] 27 Aug (2020).