1. Sealed-off pseudospark switches for pulsed power applications (current status and prospects)
2. V. D. Bochkov, D. D. Bochkov, I. N. Gnedin, P. A. Bak, C. J. Pihl, S. P. Andreason, and J. Slough, in IEEE Proceeding on the International Power Modulator and High Voltage Conference (IPMHVC) (IEEE, 2012), p. 552.
3. Yu. D. Korolev, O. B. Frants, V. G. Geyman, N. V. Landl, I. A. Shemyakin, K. Frank, R. Bischoff, J. Pankert, and K. Bergmann, in IEEE Proceeding on the 26th Power Modulator Symposium, and 2004 High-Voltage Workshop (IEEE, 2004), p. 588.
4. Trigger devices for pseudospark switches
5. High repetition rate, fast current rise, pseudo-spark switch