Introduction. The article investigates the effect of the preparation temperature, the amount of energy-saving additive and the amount of asphalt crumb on the physical and mechanical properties of warm asphalt mixtures. The method of experimental and statistical modeling was used in the study, and mathematical models describing the dependence of water saturation and compressive strength of asphalt concrete were developed. Based on the analysis of the results obtained, the areas of optimal values of the preparation temperature, the amount of energy-saving additive, and the amount of asphalt crumb during the production of warm asphalt mixtures were determined. In this case, the resulting mixture meets the standard requirements for hot fine-grained asphalt mixtures in terms of physical and mechanical properties. Problem statement. Studies by the authors of [1] have shown that when preparing an asphalt mixture, it is very important to take into account changes in the properties of bitumen, which is the main component that characterizes the behavior of asphalt concrete. In the preparation of warm asphalt mixtures, it is advisable to use energy-saving additives, the introduction of which provides relatively new chemical effects that improve the workability, mobility and energy saving of mixtures made at lower temperatures than traditional hot mixtures. At the same time, due to the large number of different types of additives, there is no accurate quantitative data on the dependence of asphalt concrete properties on the content of additives at different amounts of bitumen for different types of asphalt mixtures.
M.P. Shulgin State Road Research Institute State Enterprise
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