Introduction. The implementation of the Weighing in Motion System (WIM) in Ukraine has been started in compliance with the State Targeted Economic Program for the Development of Public Highways of State Importance in 2018-2022 and was aimed at preserving the road surface from damaging and reducing expenses for road maintenance. In order to ensure transparency in the field of state planning for the road construction, reconstruction and repair, Ukravtodor ensures the publication of up-to-date WIM information via interactive map http://bit.ly/wiminbrief and annual statistical reports. The paper describes an analysis of traffic volume coefficients based on WIM data. Problems. The need for improving the method of calculating of road pavement structures (non-rigid and rigid) reliability under existing traffic loads, taking into account the WIM data on traffic volume and traffic condition. Purpose. Clarification of traffic conditions and traffic loads on road pavement. Materials and method. Mathematical modelling using survey data. Results. Up-to-date traffic volume coefficients. Conclusions. The implementation of WIM System and WIM sites network expansion is a progressive way for traffic volume and traffic load monitoring and reducing destructive impact of overloaded vehicles on road pavement. WIM data is suitable for traffic load modelling loads and road pavement designing.
M.P. Shulgin State Road Research Institute State Enterprise
Religious studies,Cultural Studies
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