Sojagnon: shaping the Beninese soy system to meet the challenges of an emerging market


Hounhouigan Mênouwesso Harold1,Kounouewa Ken M.G.2,Ayesiga Connetie3,Ingenbleek Paul T.M.4


1. Assistant professor, School of Sciences and Techniques for Preservation and Processing ofAgricultural Products, National University of Agriculture, 05 BP 1752, Sakété, Benin.

2. MSc, School of Economics, Socio-Anthropology and Communication for Rural Development Facultédes Sciences Agronomiques, University of Abomey-Calavi, 03 BP 2819, Jéricho, Cotonou, Benin.

3. PhD student, Marketing and Consumer Behaviour Group, Wageningen University, Hollandseweg 1, 6706 KN Wageningen, the Netherlands.

4. Associate professor, Marketing and Consumer Behaviour Group, Wageningen University, Hollandseweg 1, 6706 KN Wageningen, the Netherlands.


Soybean value chains are an important means to supply the growing demand for protein in Africa and a source of income for farmers and processors. In Benin, the functioning of chains is however hindered by heterogeneous quality levels, the entrance of foreign traders, and a lack of support from the government and macro-level organizations. The local nongovernmental organization Sojagnon (the association of development of soybeans in Benin) has the mission to reorganize the Beninese soy system. It worked among others on the improvement of seed quality, the professionalization of farmers and processors, the development of a soybean value chain. In this case study, Patrice Sèwadé, Sojagnon’s chairman reflects on the interventions of the past years and wonders what the next actions should be. The case highlights the role of local entrepreneurs and organizations in the rapid transformation of the African agri-food environment.


Wageningen Academic Publishers

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