The concept of computational thinking in mathematics education


Navarro Eloisa Rosotti1ORCID,de Sousa Maria do Carmo2ORCID


1. Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), Curitiba, BRAZIL

2. Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar), São Carlos, BRAZIL


This article is part of an investigation that aimed to develop, from conceptual nexuses and assumptions of cultural-historical theory, the theoretical concept of computational thinking for its development in mathematics education. Therefore, a study of the logical-historical movement of the term “computational thinking” in mathematics education was carried out, seeking to explain how and under what conditions the term was used in academic and documental productions in Brazil. In summary, the results indicate that studies corresponding to computational thinking in mathematics education are still incipient in Brazil and, until then, there was no concept for this term in the area. Thus, this concept was developed in order to establish three conceptual nexuses: problem-solving, algebraic thinking, and algorithmic thinking, which are in constant motion as they are dialectical, historical, logical, and cultural.


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