Higher pedagogical education in the European Union: Innovative technologies


Cherusheva Galyna1ORCID,Nowak Barbara2ORCID,Maksymenko Anatolii3ORCID,Kabysh Maryna4ORCID,Vakerych Mykhailo5ORCID


1. National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Auditing, Kyiv, Ukraine.

2. Comenius University Bratislava, Slovakia.

3. Kyiv National Linguistic University, Ukraine.

4. National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.

5. Uzhgorod National University, Ukraine.


Higher teacher education in European countries has undergone a remarkable transformation due to the constant convergence of educational systems and institutions of higher education in Western Europe. The aim of the article is to analyze the experience of using innovative technologies in higher pedagogical education in the European Union countries. Methods of analysis and synthesis, prediction, comparison, and abstraction were used to realize this main task. The results traced the main innovative technologies popular in European pedagogical universities. The effectiveness of interactive learning, modular education system, technology of level differentiation, methods of learning through research (use of the project method), E-learning, and deep use of digital platforms, which contributes to the formation of theoretical and practical knowledge, development of critical thinking and creative potential in higher education applicants is demonstrated. It is pointed out that e-learning based on university platforms allows users to actively participate in various international educational projects, creatively interact with other users and even create new content. Several European universities (from France, Germany, Austria, and other countries) have merged their e-learning platforms into one professional global service called web2.0. Important directions for the further development of teacher education will be heutagogy, peeragogy, or paragogy and cybergogy. The conclusions stressed the importance of further integration of digital innovative methods to teaching pedagogical disciplines.


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