1. 1. Carroll, S. (2016). The big picture: On the origins of life, meaning, and the universe itself. Dutton Publisher, ISBN-13 978-1101984253.
2. 2. Greene, B. (2005). The fabric of the cosmos: Space, time, and the texture of reality. ISBN- 13 978-0375727207, Vintage Books.
3. 3. Kaku, M. (2008). Physics of the impossible: A scientific exploration into the world of phasers, force fields, teleportation, and time travel. ISBN-13 978-0385520690, Doubleday Publisher.
4. 4. Randall, L. (2016). Dark matter and the dinosaurs: The astounding interconnectedness of the universe. Eco Publisher, ISBN-13 978-0062328502.
5. 5. Rovelli, C. (2018). Reality is not what it seems: The journey to quantum gravity. ISBN-13 978-0735213937, Riverhead Books.