The state of protected and conserved areas in Eastern and Southern Africa


Mentzel Christine,Khaemba Yvonne


This second edition of the State of Protected and Conserved Areas (SoPACA 2) builds on the first edition published in 2020 and provides updates on how the region is managing and governing protected and conserved areas, effectively providing a regional update on the progress towards the achievement of Target 3 of the Global Biodiversity framework. While the first edition was published in relation to the previous global targets (in particular Aichi Target 11), this edition covers progress on the common indicators around management effectiveness and governance and expands to include additional information that corresponds to the revised target on PCAs (Target 3).


IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature

Reference108 articles.

1. Adams, R.J. and Kowalski, P. (2021) State of Marine Protected Area Management Effectiveness in South Africa. WWF South Africa.

2. Adams, RJ and Kawolski, P. 2021. The SA MPA METT 3: Tracking management effectiveness of marine protected areas in South Africa. WWF South Africa

3. Alberts R, Retief F, Roos C, Cilliers D, Lubbe W (2022) Identifying key risks to the achievement of protected area system objectives. Nature Conservation 49: 53-75.

4. Albrecht R, Cook CN, Andrews O, Roberts KE, Taylor MFJ , Mascia MB, Golden Kroner RE (2021) Protected area downgrading, downsizing, and degazettement (PADDD) in marine protected areas. Marine Policy 129. Protected area downgrading, downsizing, and degazettement (PADDD) in marine protected areas (

5. Anon. 2023. Evaluation of the management effectiveness of the network of protected areas of Madagascar National Parks with the IMET Tool: scaling-up analysis for implementation for the Madagascar Protected Areas System.







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