Novotni Ljubisha,Markovska-Simoska Silvana,Blazhevska-Stoilkovska Biljana,Milutinovic Milos,Bajraktarov Stojan,Novotni Antoni,Jovanovic Nikolina,Spasovski Mome
The aim of this study was to identify the contextual attributes in North Macedonia and their characteristics relevant to the implementation of a new digital intervention to improve mental health, called DIALOG+. This research is the first of its kind in North Macedonia due to the analysis of contextual attributes that may affect the effectiveness of the intervention and its acceptability in various settings of mental health care. Some of the data processed in this paper were provided and analyzed by the National Mental Health Strategy 2018-2025 and other relevant accompanying documents from the World Health Organization and action plans, as well as through interviews with stakeholders (patients, carers, clinicians and policy makers) for their opinion before introducing the DIALOG + intervention and the report on the assessment of the situation in the centers where the implementation of the intervention should have started. The collected data were then mapped to a framework developed by the Ottawa Implementation Group, which included 14 contextual attributes. The results are summarized in 2 subgroups, and are presented as facilitators and barriers to implementation, specific to the mental health system in North Macedonia. The characteristics of DIALOG + (widely applicable psychosocial intervention) are in accordance with modern assumptions for psychosocial rehabilitation of patients with psychosis. Hence, we can conclude that it is a useful tool for professionals in monitoring and achieving the true vision and mission of these institutions. It will help patients reintegrate into society, become more independent and use their full potential in the pursuit of healthy and functional living.
Scientific Foundation SPIROSKI
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