Welfare of transported animals: factors influencing welfare and welfare assessment.


Broom D. M.



All farmed animals are regarded as sentient beings, so their welfare is a matter of much public concern. Positive and negative aspects of the welfare of animals during transport should be assessed using a range of behavioural, physiological and carcass quality measures. Health is an important part of welfare, so the extent of any disease, injury or mortality resulting from, or exacerbated by, transport should be measured. Many of the welfare indicators used are measures of stress and involve long-term adverse effects, or indicators of pain, fear or other feelings. Some welfare assessment methods are research tools while others are welfare outcome indicators that can be used by a veterinary or other inspector. Some of the key factors affecting the welfare of animals during handling and transport are: attitudes towards animals and the need for staff training; methods of payment of staff; laws and retailers' codes; journey planning; traceability of animals; genetic selection; rearing conditions and experience; the mixing of animals from different social groups; handling procedures; driving methods; space allowance per animal on the vehicle; journey length; increased susceptibility to disease; increased spread of disease; and the extent to which each individual can be inspected during the journey.



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