Canarium indicum (galip nut)



This datasheet on Canarium indicum covers Identity, Overview, Associated Diseases, Pests or Pathogens, Distribution, Biology & Ecology, Environmental Requirements, Uses, Management, Genetics and Breeding, Food Quality, Food Safety, Economics, Further Information.


CABI Publishing

Reference61 articles.

1. Akus WL 1996. The nut-research and development at the Lowlands Agricultural Experiment Station Kevarat Papua New Guinea. In: Stevens ML Bourke RM Evans BR (eds.): South Pacific Indigenous Nuts Workshop. Port Vila Vanuatu. ACIAR Proceedings No. 69:110-112.

2. Anon 1996. Silvicultural Literature Review. Report of Vanuatu Sustainable Forest Utilization Project prepared for AusAID by Hassall & Associates Pty Ltd Margules Groome Poyry Pty Ltd and ANUTECH Pty Ltd.

3. Bai S. H. Darby I. Nevenimo T. Hannet G. Hannet D. Poienou M. Grant E. Brooks P. Walton D. Randall B. Wallace H. M. 2017. Effects of roasting on kernel peroxide value free fatty acid fatty acid composition and crude protein content.PLoS ONE 12(9) e0184279. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0184279

4. Bai S. H. Tahmasbian I. Zhou Jun Nevenimo T. Hannet G. Walton D. Randall B. Gama T. Wallace H. M. 2018. A non-destructive determination of peroxide values total nitrogen and mineral nutrients in an edible tree nut using hyperspectral imaging.Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 151492-500. DOI: 10.1016/j.compag.2018.06.029

5. Bailey J 1992. An overview of Canarium spp. in Melanesia. Unpublished report. Washington DC USA: Conservation International 50 pp.







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