Mimosa caesalpiniifolia



This datasheet on Mimosa caesalpiniifolia covers Identity, Overview, Distribution, Environmental Requirements, Uses, Management, Economics, Further Information.


CABI Publishing

Reference18 articles.

1. Araujo Filho JA de Barbosa TML Carvalho FC de Cavalcante ACR 1999. Agrosilvopastoral system for semi-arid northeastern Brazil. [Sistema de producao agrossilvipastoril para o semi-arido nordestino.] Pesquisa em Andamento EMBRAPA Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Caprinos. 30(2). obral; Brazil: EMBRAPA Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Caprinos.

2. Augusto SG Souza CAS 1995. The legume sabia as a living fence in the state of Espirito Santo. [Leguminosa sabia como cerca-viva no Estado do Espirito Santo.] 1995 15 pp.; 14 ref.

3. Barneby RC 1991. Sensitivae censitae: a description of the genus Mimosa Linnaeus (Mimosaceae) in the New World. Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden. New York USA: New York Botanical Garden. 65: iii + 835 pp.

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5. Drumond MA Monteiro RFR Speltz RM Gurgel JT do A Pires CL da S Kalil Filho AN Rosa PRF da Parente PR Zanatto ACS Nogueira JCB Siqueira ACMF Garrido MAO Gurgel Garrido LM do A Rosa PRF Moraes JL de Zandarin MA Gurgel Filho OA Batista MP Borges JF Franco MAB Lima PCF Souza SM de 1982. Species choice provenance and species trials among native Brazilian species. Malvesi ITO et al. eds. Proceedings of the national conference on native species Campos do Jordao Sao Paulo Brazil 12-18 Sept. 1982. Silvicultura em Sao Paulo 16A: 2; 18 ref.








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