Megastigmus pinsapinis (atlas cedar seed chalcid)



This datasheet on Megastigmus pinsapinis covers Identity, Distribution, Hosts/Species Affected, Biology & Ecology, Further Information.


CABI Publishing

Reference11 articles.

1. Berland L 1950. Un chalcidien phytophage: Megastigmus suspectus var. pinsapinis L'entomologiste 6:56-57.

2. Bouaziz K Chakali C 1998. Diversity and impact of cone and seed insects in Algeria. In: Battisti A Turgeon JJ eds. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of the Cone and Seed Working Party (IUFRO S7.03 -01). Padova Italy: Institute of Agricultural Entomology 193-207.

3. El Hassani A Graf P Hamdaoui M Harrachi K Messaoudi J Mzibri M Stiki A 1994. Ravageurs et Maladies des Forets au Maroc. Rabat Morocco: Editions DPVCTRF.

4. El Hassani A Messaoudi J 1986. Les ravageurs des c(nes et graines de ConifFres et leur distribution au Maroc. In: Roques A ed. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of the Cone and Seed Working Party (IUFRO S2 07-01). Versailles France: INRA 5-14.

5. Fabre JP 1986. The population dynamics of Megastigmus suspectus var. pinaspinis Hoff. (Hymenoptera Torymidae) in stands of cedar in south-eastern France. Proceedings of the 2nd Conference of the Cone and Seed Insects Working Party S2.07-01. Briancon 05100 France September 3-5 1986 [edited by Roques A.] Olivet France; Station de Zoologie Forestiere 127-145







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