Betula ermanii (Erman's birch)



This datasheet on Betula ermanii covers Identity, Overview, Distribution, Environmental Requirements, Uses, Management, Further Information.


CABI Publishing

Reference23 articles.

1. Fujimoto S Miyakawa M 1991. Growth characteristics of Betula ermanii in particular reference to response patterns at timber lines. Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture Hokkaido University 65(2):219-228; 18 ref.

2. Grabovskaja AA 1952. Betula species and Phellodendron amurense in forest plantations in the southern forest-steppe zone. [Berezy i barhat amurskii v lesynh kuljturah juga lesotepi.] Lesn. Hoz. 5 (1) (41-4).

3. Hansson OV 1996. The forest genetic resources of Kamchatka. In: Sigurgeirsson A Baldursson S Gunnarsson T eds. Exotics a threat or benefit. Papers from the Ninth Annual Meeting of the Nordic Group for Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding held at Hallormsstadur in East Iceland on June 12-16 1996. Buvisindi No. 9: 63-71; 11 ref.

4. Hara T Kimura M Kikuzawa K 1991. Growth patterns of tree height and stem diameter in populations of Abies veitchii A. mariesii and Betula ermanii. Journal of Ecology 79(4):1085-1098; 40 ref.

5. Hiura T Sano J Konno Y 1996. Age structure and response to fine-scale disturbances of Abies sachalinensis Picea jezoensis Picea glehnii and Betula ermanii growing under the influence of a dwarf bamboo understory in northern Japan. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 26(2):289-297; 37 ref.







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