This datasheet on Populus alba covers Identity, Overview, Associated Diseases, Pests or Pathogens, Distribution, Dispersal, Diagnosis, Biology & Ecology, Environmental Requirements, Natural Enemies, Impacts, Uses, Prevention/Control, Management, Genetics and Breeding, Economics, Further Information.
Reference55 articles.
1. Alba N 1992. Mejora genetica de Populus alba L. In: El cultivo de alamos y sauces complemento de la agricultura. Proceedings of 19th session of International Poplar Commission (IPC). Zaragoza Spain 22-25 september 1992. Vol II: 157-168.
2. Allegri E 1967. Poplars and Poplar growing in the Near East. Pubblivazioni della stazione sperimentale di selvicoltura di Firenze 14:147.
3. Allegri E 1971. Identification of species and varieties of Poplar indigenous in Italy. Annali dell' Istituto Sperimentale per la Selvicoltura Arezzo 2: 1-62; 21 ref.
4. Angeles Bueno M Gomez A Manzanera JA 2003. Propagation and DNA markers characterization of Populus tremula L. and Populus alba L. In: Micropropagation of woody trees and fruits [ed. by Jain S. M.\Ishii K.]. Dordrecht Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers 37-74.
5. Anselmi N 1981. Weed control in tree plantations: poplars. [Il diserbo delle colture arboree: pioppo.] Italia Agricola 118(3):296-305.
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