Pinus occidentalis (Haitian pine)



This datasheet on Pinus occidentalis covers Identity, Overview, Distribution, Environmental Requirements, Uses, Management, Further Information.


CABI Publishing

Reference23 articles.

1. Awan AB Horsten F Frias G Navia R 1978. Soil conditions affecting the growth and development of pines in Cuba. [Condiciones del suelo que afectan el desarrollo y crecimiento del pino en Cuba.] Proceedings of the Seventh World Forestry Congress Centro Cultural General San Martin Buenos Aires Argentina 4 18 October 1972 Vol. II.(World Forestry Congress: First technical commission : silviculture. 1. The silvicultural implications of the changing demands upon forests and forestry. 2. Improving the yield of fast-growing man-made forests):1774-1778; 5 ref.

2. Blaser J Chollet M 1991. Twenty-year results of 2 conifer species trials (ET13R and ET25R) in the Mahatsinjo pilot plot (under the jurisdiction of the FANALAMANGA Haut-Mangoro). [Resultats apres 20 ans de 2 essais de triage de resineux (ET13R et ET25R) dans le chantier-pilote de Mahatsinjo (perimetres de FANALAMANA Haut-Mangoro).] Akon'ny Ala No. 7 12-21; 12 ref.

3. Burgt XM van der 1997. Determination of the age of Pinus occidentalis in La Celestina Dominican Republic by the use of growth rings. IAWA Journal 18(2):139-146.

4. Dallimore W Jackson AB 1966. Handbook of Coniferae and Ginkgoaceae. Fourth edition. Revised by SG Harison. London UK: Edward Arnold Publishers Ltd.

5. Darrow W Zanoni T 1990. Hispaniolan pine (Pinus occidentalis Swartz): a little known sub-tropical pine of economic potential. Commonwealth Forestry Review 69(3):259-271; 30 ref.







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