1. Anon. 1994. NPAG Data: Hylurgus ligniperda red-haired bark beetle. December 1994. USDA USA. http://www.pestalert.org/storage/H_ligniperda_ds94.pdf.
2. Anon. 2002. Pest Alert - New introduction: The red-haired bark beetle Hylurgus ligniperda Fabricius (Coleoptera: Scolytidae). USDA Forest Service Northeastern Area NA-PR-03-02 USA. http://www.fs.fed.us/na/morgantown/fhp/palerts/red_haired_bark_beetle.pdf.
3. Brown F Laurie M 1968. Pests and Diseases of Plantation Trees. Oxford UK: Clarendon Press.
4. Browne FG 1968. Pests and diseases of forest plantation trees: an annotated list of the principal species occurring in the British Commonwealth. Oxford UK: Clarendon Press.
5. Burakowski B Mroczkowski M Stefanska J 1992. Volume 18 Part XXIII. Beetles - Coleoptera. Curculionoidea apart from Curculionidae. Katalog Fauny Polski 23(18):324 pp.; many ref.