Transport (post harvest transport)


Paterson Brian


This datasheet on Transport (post harvest transport) covers Identity, Description, Further Information.


CABI Publishing

Reference60 articles.

1. Agbayani RF Belleza ET Agbayani EC 1997. Aquaculture economics in Asia and the Pacific. A regional assessment. In: Charles AT Agbayani RF Agbayani EC Agueero M Belleza ET Gonzalez E Stomal B Weigel JY eds. Aquaculture Economics in Developing Countries: Regional Assessments and an Annotated Bibliography. FAO Fisheries Circular no. 932. Rome Italy: FAO 35-80.

2. Amend DF Croy TR Goven BA Johnson KA McCarthy DH 1982. Transportation of fish in closed systems: methods to control ammonia carbon dioxide pH and bacterial growth. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 111(5):603-611.

3. Areerat S Limsuwan C Chanratchakool P Somsiri T 1999. Bacterial levels in the muscle of post-harvested shrimp. Asian Fisheries Science 12:357-360.

4. Benner RA Otwell WS 1999. Seafood HACCP safety and quality on the Internet: selected site list with brief descriptions. Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology 8:3-9.

5. Berka R 1986. The transport of live fish. A review. EIFAC Technical Paper 48. FAO 52 pp.







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