turkey viral hepatitis



This datasheet on turkey viral hepatitis covers Identity, Overview, Associated Diseases, Pests or Pathogens, Distribution, Hosts/Species Affected, Diagnosis, Pathology, Epidemiology, Prevention/Control, Further Information.


CABI Publishing

Reference15 articles.

1. Cho BR 1976. An adenovirus from a turkey pathogenic for both chicks and turkey poults. Avian Diseases 20:714-723.

2. Guy JS 1997. Turkey viral hepatitis. In: Calnek B Barnes HJ Beard CW McDougald LR Saif YM eds. Diseases of Poultry edition 10. Ames Iowa USA: Iowa State University Press 773-777.

3. King AMQ Brown F Christian P Hovi T Hyypia T Knowles NJ Lemon SM Minor PD Palmenberg AC Skern T Stanway G 2000. Picornaviridae. In: Regenmortel M Fauquet C Bishop D Carstens E Estes M Lemon S Maniloff J Mayo M McGeoch D Pringle C Wickner R eds. Virus taxonomy: seventh report of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses. Academic Press San Diego USA 657-678.

4. Klein PN Castro AE Meteyer CU Reynolds B Swartzman-Andert JA Cooper G Chin RP Shivaprasad HL 1991. Experimental transmission of turkey viral hepatitis to day-old poults and identification of associated viral particles resembling picornaviruses. Avian Diseases 35(1):115-125; 45 ref.

5. Mandelli GA Rinaldi A Cervio G 1966. Gross and ultramicroscopic lesions in hepatopancreatitis in turkeys. Atti Soc Ital Sci Vet 20:541-545.








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