1. Armstrong JW Couey HM 1989. Control; fruit disinfestation; fumigation heat and cold. In: Robinson AS Hooper G eds. Fruit Flies; their Biology Natural Enemies and Control. World Crop Pests. Amsterdam Netherlands: Elsevier 3(B):411-424.
2. Bateman MA 1982. III. Chemical methods for suppression or eradication of fruit fly populations In: Drew RAI Hooper GHS Bateman MA eds. Economic Fruit Flies of the South Pacific Region. 2nd edn. Brisbane Australia: Queensland Department of Primary Industries 115-128.
3. Christenson LD Foote RH 1960. Biology of fruit flies. Annual Review of Entomology 5:171-192.
4. Drew RAI 1982. I. Taxonomy In: Drew RAI Hooper GHS Bateman MA eds. Economic Fruit Flies of the South Pacific Region. 2nd edn. Brisbane Australia: Queensland Department of Primary Industries 1-97.
5. Drew RAI 1982. IV. Fruit fly collecting. In: Drew RAI Hooper GHS Bateman MA eds. Economic fruit flies of the South Pacific Region ed. 2. Brisbane Australia: Queensland Department of Primary Industries 129-139.