A description is provided for Phytophthora palmivora. Information is included on the disease caused by the organism, its transmission, geographical distribution, and hosts. HOSTS: A wide range; 138 species of economic, ornamental, shade and hedge plants were listed (48, 337-344). DISEASE: Black pod and canker of cacao; patch canker, black stripe and leaf fall of Hevea rubber; bud rot of coconut and other palms; fruit and stem rot of pawpaw; root rots and damping-off of seedlings. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION: World-wide in tropical and warm temperature regions with high rainfall. TRANSMISSION: In cacao by direct contact between diseased and healthy pods, by rain splash from diseased pods, leaves and infested soil, and by insect vectors and ant tents. In rubber by rain. Soil as a source of inoculum for pawpaw root rot.