JWST MIRI MRS Observations of T Cha: Discovery of a Spatially Resolved Disk Wind


Bajaj Naman S.ORCID,Pascucci IlariaORCID,Gorti UmaORCID,Alexander RichardORCID,Sellek AndrewORCID,Morrison Jane,Gaspar AndrasORCID,Clarke CathieORCID,Xie ChengyanORCID,Ballabio GiuliaORCID,Deng DingshanORCID


Abstract Understanding when and how circumstellar disks disperse is crucial to constrain planet formation and migration. Thermal winds powered by high-energy stellar photons have long been theorized to drive disk dispersal. However, evidence for these winds is currently based only on small (∼3–6 km s−1) blueshifts in [Ne ii] 12.81 μm lines, which does not exclude MHD winds. We report JWST MIRI MRS spectro-imaging of T Cha, a disk with a large dust gap (∼30 au in radius) and blueshifted [Ne ii] emission. We detect four forbidden noble gas lines, [Ar ii], [Ar iii], [Ne ii], and [Ne iii], of which [Ar iii] is the first detection in any protoplanetary disk. We use line flux ratios to constrain the energy of the ionizing photons and find that argon is ionized by extreme ultraviolet, whereas neon is most likely ionized by X-rays. After performing continuum and point-spread function subtraction on the integral field unit cube, we discover a spatial extension in the [Ne ii] emission off the disk continuum emission. This is the first spatially resolved [Ne ii] disk wind emission. The mostly ionic spectrum of T Cha, in combination with the extended [Ne ii] emission, points to an evolved stage for any inner MHD wind and is consistent with the existence of an outer thermal wind ionized and driven by high-energy stellar photons. This work acts as a pathfinder for future observations aiming at investigating disk dispersal using JWST.


Space Telescope Science Institute

EC ∣ Horizon Europe ∣ Excellent Science ∣ HORIZON EUROPE Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions

EC ∣ Horizon 2020 Framework Programme

UKRI ∣ Science and Technology Facilities Council

EC ∣ Horizon Europe ∣ WPSERA ∣ HORIZON EUROPE Reforming and enhancing the European Research and Innovation system


American Astronomical Society

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