Assessment of Sociodemographic Risk Factors For Juvenile Delinquent Boys




1. Konya Şehir Hastanesi

2. Niğde Training and Research Hospital


Objective: Juvenile delinquency (JD) is increasing day by day and it is more common in males. Many risk factors for JD have been identified. The aim of this study was to determine the sociodemographic characteristics of male JDs and to determine potential predictive effects of sociodemographic factors on JD. Method: Juvenile delinquents (JDs) consisted of 138 boys and sociodemographic data of them were obtained retrospectively. The control group (CG) consisted of 133 boys of similar age to JDs, and the participants were asked to fill out sociodemographic data. The potential predictive effect of sociodemographic factors were evaluated by linear logistic regression analysis. Results: The families of the 94 JDs had low socioeconomic level, and the families of the103 control cases had medium-high socioeconomic level. It was determined that 46% of the mothers of JDs and 18% of their fathers were illiterate, while in CG, these rates were 6% and 0.8%, respectively. The school dropout rate was 0% in CG and 32% in JDs. In addition, 26% of the JDs were found to have another individual committed crime in family. This rate was 3% in CG. It was showed that school dropout, low school achievement, taking disciplinary punishment, low family income and the presence of an individual committed crime in family had potential predictive effect on JD. Conclusions: The results of the study have showed that there is an association between JD and sociodemographic characteristics. These results may be useful in the development of prevention and intervention programs for JD.


Dokuz Eyul Universitesi Saglik Bilimleri Enstitusu


General Medicine

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