Job satisfaction is a favourable feeling toward one’s job. However, job dissatisfaction is a negative feeling about a job. The purpose of the current study was to investigate and analyze the levels of job satisfaction of female and male teachers in private and public secondary schools in Lahore, Pakistan. The targeted population selected for this cross-sectional quantitative study was teachers of the private and public schools of Lahore, Pakistan. The study sample was selected through a convenience sampling design. The final sample comprised 500 male and female secondary school teachers. The survey was self-administered, based on a structured questionnaire consisting of 36 items. For data analyses, descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were used to analyze the gathered data. One-way ANOVA and an independent sample t-test were used to find the difference in job satisfactions by categorizing them according to their, experience, qualification, age, gender, and type of institution (public vs. private). The results indicated that female teachers were more satisfied than the male teachers. A significant difference was found between the job satisfactions in terms of salaries (F =2.610, p < 0.075), supervision (F = 3.534, p < 0.030), fringe benefits (F =5.761, p < 0.003), promotion (F =2.396, p < 0.092), and nature of work (F =4.400, p < 0.013). Furthermore, public secondary schools have more facilities and benefits as compared to private schools. It is suggested that the Executive District Officers (EDO) must include some strategies and teachers’ welfare packages for public or private secondary school teachers. However, future studies can indicate their research towards other factors, which might be considered as a prime predictor for teachers' job satisfaction.
University of Management and Technology
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