Angiogenesis mechanisms in transplantation of tissue-engineered constructions


Nakokhov R. Z.1,Gubareva E. A.1,Kuevda E. V.1,Sotnichenko A. S.1,Gumenyuk I. S.1,Mogilnaya G. M.1,Kade A. H.1


1. FSBEI HE «Kuban State Medical University».


There is a number of problems regarding bioengineered structures creation that require further study in the fi eld of regenerative medicine. One of the critical tasks that require solution is the fact that tissue engineered constructions, as a rule, are large, which signifi cantly limits the possibility of diffusion of nutrients and oxygen in them. Thus, the key task of fundamental medicine is to fi nd a technology for restoring the perfusion of the structures created. The article presents a modern overview of the mechanisms of angiogenesis and possible ways of its stimulation during transplantation of tissue engineered constructions.


V.I. Shimakov Federal Research Center of Transplantology and Artificial Organs


Transplantation,Immunology and Allergy

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