Reproduction and growth of the spiny lebbeid shrimp, Lebbeus groenlandicus (Fabricius, 1775) (Caridea, Hippolytidae) in the East Sea of Korea


Bae Ho Jin1,Oh Chul-Woong1


1. Department of Marine Biology, Pukyong National University, Busan 608-737, South Korea


Reproduction and growth of the spiny lebbeid shrimp, Lebbeus groenlandicus (Fabricius, 1775), were investigated based on samples in the East Sea of Korea [= Sea of Japan], from January 2012 to April 2013. We collected 2964 shrimp samples during the study period, which included significantly more females than males (male : female ratio, 1.0 : 1.17). The females were generally larger than the males, and significant differences in the linear-regression slopes of carapace length (CL) versus body weight between the sexes indicate sex-specific differences in allometric growth. The gonadosomatic index (GSI) varied monthly, reaching a maximum in November 2012 (10.28) and a minimum in March 2013 (2.15). The proportion of ovigerous females varied from month to month. The highest values of the GSI coincided with the breeding period, and there was a significant difference between the mean GSI of females with non-eyed and those with eyed eggs, indicating that L. groenlandicus is a consecutive breeder. There was a significant correlation between CL and the number of eggs (EN) in the early egg stages. There was also a significant difference in the slopes of the regressions of CL versus EN between females carrying non-eyed and eyed egg stages. Based on the dry weights in the early egg stages, reproductive output was determined to be 0.18 ± 0.006. The Von Bertalanffy growth function parameters were CL = 38.80 mm, year−1, , and WP = 0.4 for males, and CL = 43.64 mm, year−1, , and WP = 0.6 for females. The growth performance index () was 2.86 for males and 2.89 for females.




Animal Science and Zoology,Aquatic Science







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