1. 1 Department of Botany and Zoology, Faculty of Science Masaryk University Kotlářská 2 611 37 Brno Czech Republic
2. 15 E-mail: kmentovan@mail.muni.cz
3. 2 Biology Department Royal Museum for Central Africa Leuvensesteenweg 13 3080 Tervuren Belgium
4. 3 Operational Directorate Taxonomy and Phylogeny Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences Vautierstraat 29 B-1000 Brussels Belgium
5. 4 Institute of Biology University of Graz Universitätsplatz 2 A-8010 Graz Austria
6. 5 Laboratory of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Genomics, Department of Biology University of Leuven Ch. Deberiotstraat 32 B-3000 Leuven Belgium
7. 6 Centre for Biodiversity Dynamics, Department of Biology Norwegian University of Science and Technology N-7491 Trondheim Norway
8. 7 Faculty of Biosciences and Aquaculture Nord University N-8049 Bodø Norway
9. 8 Flanders Marine Institute Wandelaarkaai 7 8400 Oostende Belgium
10. 9 Centre de Recherche en Hydrobiologie, Département de Biologie B.P. 73 Uvira Democratic Republic of Congo
11. 10 Office Burundais pour la Protection de l‘Environnement, Centre de Recherche en Biodiversité Avenue de l‘Imprimerie Jabe 12 B.P. 2757 Bujumbura Burundi
12. 11 Département de Biologie Université du Burundi Campus Mutanga B.P. 2700 Bujumbura Burundi
13. 12 Capacities for Biodiversity and Sustainable Development, Operational Directorate Natural Environment Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences Vautierstraat 29 B-1000 Brussels Belgium
14. 13 Centre for Environmental Sciences Research Group Zoology: Biodiversity and Toxicology Hasselt University Agoralaan Gebouw D B-3590 Diepenbeek Belgium
15. 14 Zoology Unit, Finnish Museum of Natural History University of Helsinki P.O.Box 17 Helsinki FI-00014 Finland