1. 1. Shanas E: The Health of Older People; A Social Survey. Cambridge Harvard University Press 1961 p 36. Although this survey was done 18 years ago 1957 there is no reason to believe that a similar survey today would yield significantly different indices. There have been no medical breakthroughs to affect the sick aged population.
2. 2. Ibid p 26.
3. Shanas regards this however as an under-estimate in that in the preliminary screening of the population to be interviewed four percent of all persons 65 years of age and over could not be interviewed because they were "too sick."
4. 3. Shanas E et al: Old People in Three Industrial Societies. New York Atherton Press 1968 p 22.
5. 4. Statistical Abstract of the United States 1972 p 31 Table 36.