Assessing the functionality of models for predicting pharmaceutical companies


Zyukin Danil Alekseevich1ORCID,Golovin Alexey Anatolyevich2ORCID,Pshenichnikova Olga Viktorovna3,Nadzhafova Marina Nikolaevna4


1. Kursk State Agricultural Academy named after I.I. Ivanova, Russia.

2. Department of Economic Theory, Regional Studies and Legal Regulation of Economics, Kursk Academy of State and Municipal Service, Russia.

3. Department of Economics and Accounting, Kursk State University, Russia.

4. Department of Economics and Management, Kursk State Medical University, Russia.


The article considers the problem of the functionality of existing bankruptcy forecasting models for the pharmaceutical industry, the significance of which is due to the strategic role of this industry in ensuring drug safety in Russia. In conditions of import dependence, it is possible to increase the competitiveness of domestic enterprises by investing in it, which actualizes the task of increasing their investment attractiveness, one of the main elements of which is long-term and predictable financial stability. The study shows that today the assessment of financial stability and the likelihood of bankruptcy is possible only on the basis of generalized models of domestic and foreign authors, which in general give ineffective results. This is due to the fact that standard models do not take into account the industry specifics of the enterprises in question, and therefore are not able to reliably determine the presence or absence of a threat of insolvency. An important direction in the development of the pharmaceutical industry of the Russian Federation in the current environment is the search for effective tools for economic analysis and the development of the correct adapted methodology for predicting the probability of bankruptcy.


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