Psychological issues of the behavioral regulation for parents of children with developmental features at the diagnostic phase


Leonteva Veronika1,Pokrovskaya Nadezhda223,Marikhin Sergey4,Tyulin Artem4


1. Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU)

2. Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University

3. St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University "LETI" IN AND. Ulyanov

4. Leningrad State University named after A.S. Pushkin


Social isolation during the pandemic has exacerbated the problems of psychological support for families with a child with sensory impairments. The problem of analyzing the role of parents in correcting the development of children with disabilities, in particular, with sensory impairments, is examined from the standpoint of their functional responsibilities, but the actual state of affairs, in particular, the choice of reaction and adaptation strategies of the parents in families with such children, taking into account modern technological possibilities of correcting the health status of the children themselves. The article presents the generalized results of a study of coping behavior of parents in families with children with hearing impairments, conducted in 2018-2021 on the basis of the St. Petersburg State Public Healthcare Institution "Children's City Surdological Center". The problems that parents face when choosing strategies and models of coping behavior are systematized and are presented from the point of view of the psychological analysis of the social attitude toward the role and status of a child within a family.


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General Medicine

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