1. Brock D W. Death and dying. In: Veatch R M, ed. Medical ethics. Boston: Jones and Bartlett, 1989: 329-356.
2. dying, and the biological revolution;Death, Veatch R.M.,1989
3. Principles of biomedical ethics;L, Beauchamp T.; F, Childress J.,1989
4. For some pioneering work on these related distinctions, see Glover J. Causing death and saving lives;Harris, J.,1977
5. effective therapies. On the Orthodox view, questions of withholding and withdrawing medical therapy only become relevant when the patient is in the moribund state termed gesisah. Even here, however, the distinction between withholding and withdrawing medical treatments remains morally relevant;Rosner, F.; See, Bleich J.D.;Conservative Judaism; The Quinlan case: a Jewish perspective,1979