1. September 1847 "I am using ether regularly in my midwifery practice and have no doubt whatever your grandchildren and mine will do so and wonder at us overcoming and not relieving human agony when we had the power and the means of doing it. As to bad results I have seen none
2. Historical Review of British Obstetrics 'and Gynaecology, 1850-1950;JM, Munro Kerr; RW, Johnstone; MH, Phillips,1954
3. Biographies that should be consulted are Duns J, Memoir of SirJames Y Simpson;Simpson, G.;Bulletin of the History of Medicine; The Works of Sir James Young Simpson, 2. Sir W; London: T Fisher Unwin, 1897; Blantyre Simpson Eve, Sir James Y Simpson,1972
4. Sir James Y Simpson and Chloroform. London: T Fisher Unwin, 1897: 134. 4Obituary, British Medical Journal 18 July 1868, 62; Dictionary of National Biography. London 1896; 47, 265. Additional biographical information appears in William Munk, Lives;Laing, Gordon H.
5. Letter from Simpson to Ramsbotham, 28 November 1853