1. General Medical Council. Good medical practice 2024. 22 Aug 2023 (effective 30 Jan 2024) 2023 [Available from: https://www.gmc-uk.org/ethical-guidance/good-medical-practice-2024/get-to-know-good-medical-practice-2024 accessed 10th September 2023.
2. The Nation’s Doctor
3. Department of Health and Social Care. Directors of public health in local government: roles, responsibilities and context 2023 [Available from: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/role-of-the-director-of-public-health-in-local-authorities/directors-of-public-health-in-local-government-roles-responsibilities-and-context accessed 10th September 2023.
4. Austerity, not influenza, caused the UK’s health to deteriorate. Let’s not make the same mistake again
5. Trends in healthy life expectancy in the age of austerity