A newborn girl was referred to the otolaryngology service after prenatal imaging showed a right mandibular mass. Physical examination revealed a 1–2 cm mass along the right mandible with the appearance of a vestigial oral cavity. Tissue resembling the vermillion and primitive tongue appeared innervated and moved in conjunction with oral movements. MRI and CT of the mandible after birth confirmed a partially ossified soft tissue mass of the right mandibular body, containing unerupted teeth. She was taken to the operating room at 6 months of age for mass excision and reconstruction. Postoperatively, she healed well and was feeding without difficulty. Craniofacial duplication, including duplication of stomatodeal structures or diprosopus, is a rare condition with a variety of phenotypes. In the case of suspected craniofacial duplication, associated syndromes should be ruled out and appropriate imaging employed to determine the extent of involvement of adjacent structures, which will ultimately guide surgical planning.
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