1. Clinical Guidelines for Operations, Oct 2005 National Institute of Academic Anaesthesia Showcase 2009
2. The first Academic meeting in conjunction with the Department of Military Anaesthesia and Critical Care (DMA & CC) and the National Institute of Academic Anaesthesia (NIAA) took place at the Royal College of Anaesthetists in London on 21st September 2009. This meeting attracted delegates from as far afield as continental Europe and provided an opportunity for the Military to showcase research to a mixed military and civilian audience. Ultimately we aimed to explore opportunities for civil and military cooperation while also stimulating military personnel to participate in future projects
3. Years of The Annual Report of The Chief Medical Officer;DoH,2008
4. Morgan PJ, Cleave-Hogg DC. CJA 2002; 49: 659-662
5. An outbreak of malaria in US Army Rangers returning from Afghanistan;Kotwal, R.S.; Wenzel, R.B.; Sterling, R.A.;JAMA,2005