1. Survival after cardiopulmonary resuscitation in the hospital;Bedell, S.; Delbanco, T.; Cook, E.;New England Journal ofMedicine,1983
2. Do-not-resuscitate orders: time for reappraisal in long-term care institutions;Murphy, D.,1989
3. Survival after cardiopulmonary resuscitation in very low birth-weight babies: is CPR futile therapy?;Lantos, J.; Miles, S.; Silverstein, M.,1988
4. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 1993; 2, and The J7ournal of;Law, Medicine & Ethics,1992
5. For a summary of professional literature on this subject see Schneiderman;L, Jecker S.; A, Jonsen;Annals of Internal Medicine; Medical futility: response to critiques,1996