1. Growth in UK children living in households with food insecurity
2. Scottish Government. Guide to responding to and preventing infant food insecurity in Scotland. 2024. https://www.gov.scot/publications/guide-responding-preventing-infant-food-insecurity-scotland/documents/
3. Fed Family Lab. Understanding feeding in the early years. https://fedfamilylab.acadiau.ca/ufey.html
4. Scottish Government. Tackling child poverty delivery plan: fourth year progress report 2021-2022 - focus report on households with babies under one. 2022. https://www.gov.scot/publications/tackling-child-poverty-delivery-plan-fourth-year-progress-report-2021-22-focus-report-households-babies-under-one
5. Household food insecurity is negatively associated with achievement of prenatal intentions to feed only breast milk in the first six months postpartum