1. Students who have an EB virus IgG-positive IgG, IgA, and IgM Brucella antibodies when examtitre on entry to the university can be assumed to ined by the method previously described for have been infected with EB virus before arrival. Can standardization of antihuman FITC conjugates an EB virus IgM ever be detected at a later date,1969
2. Automatic Dispensing Pipettes: an assessment of 35 commercial instruments;BROUGHTON, P.M.G.; GOWENLOCK, A.H.; WIDDOWSON, G.M.; A, K.,1967
3. An Evaluation of five Commercial Flame Photometers suitable for the Simultaneous Determination of Sodium and Potassium;BROUGHTON, P.M.G.,1970
4. The Assessment of Thyroid Function;FLYNN, F.V.; R, J.;HOBBS,1971
5. Renal Function Tests Suitable for Clinical Practice January 1972 F;MITCHELL, L.