1. Hormonal and biochemical responses to transcendental meditation;COOPER, R.; JOFFE, B.I.; LAMPREY, J.M.; BOTHA, A.; SHIRES, R.; BAKER, S.G.; SEFTEL, H.C.;Postgraduate Medical Journal,1985
2. Adrenocortical activity during meditation;JEVNING, R.; WILSON, A.F.; DAVIDSON, J.M.;Hormones and Behaviour,1978
3. The transcendental meditation technique, adrenocortical activity and implications for stress;JEVNING, R.; WILSON, A.F.; SMITH, W.R.;Experientia,1978
4. I read with interest the article on 'The management of acute severe asthma' by Drs Tatham and Gellert;Sir;et al; In response to the unreferenced statement that 'ipratropium... may produce dryness of the mouth, throat, airways and therefore reduce the expectoration of intrabronchial plugs and mucus', I should like to draw attention to the paper by Pavia,1985
5. This theoretical reservation about the use of ipratropium bromide has been raised previously (Crompton, 1982), to which there was a detailed response (Pavia;et al; To date, there is no evidence to support Tatham and Gellert's,1982