1. Women Help Women. New data from Abortion Without Borders: In the three years since Poland’s Constitutional Tribunal ruling, Abortion Without Borders has helped more than 125 000 people in Poland to access safe abortion. 25 Oct 2023. https://womenhelp.org/en/page/1577/new-data-from-abortion-without-borders-in-the-three-years-since
2. How the US scrapping of Roe
Wade threatens the global medical abortion revolution
3. The “abortion trail” to England from the rest of the British Isles is on rocky ground
4. MSI Reproductive Choices. Where we work. https://www.msichoices.org/where-we-work/
5. World Health Organization. Worldwide, an estimated 25 million unsafe abortions occur each year. 28 Sep 2017. https://www.who.int/news/item/28-09-2017-worldwide-an-estimated-25-million-unsafe-abortions-occur-each-year