Seismic Comparison of Reinforced Concrete Houses in Kirikkale Province According to DBYBHY-2007 and TBDY-2018 Codes


DOGAN Orhan1,GENÇ Yunus2,DOĞAN Filiz,MERT Necati3



2. Ankara Orman Genel Müdürlüğü



According to the 1996 Earthquake Zones Map, more than %90 of our country is in the earthquake zone in terms of area and population, while according to the Turkey Earthquake Hazard Map (TDTH) published in 2018, our whole country is under the risk of earthquakes. According to AFAD, in the TDTH, it is stated that the earthquake hazard has been reduced for 46 cities and increased for 6 cities. According to TDTH, although the earthquake hazard has decreased somewhat in some regions, existing buildings should be strengthened against earthquake, considering that the earthquake performance of our building stock may not be enough. Within the scope of this study, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10 and 14 storey houses with a symmetrical plan, high ductility level and reinforced concrete frame were modeled for Merkez, Bahsili, Baliseyh, Celebi, Delice, Karakecili, Keskin, Sulakyurt and Yahsihan town centers in Kirikkale province. According to both the Regulations on Buildings to be Built in Earthquake Zones (DBYBHY-2007) for the local soil classes Z1, Z2, Z3 and Z4, and the Turkish Building Earthquake Code (TBDY-2018) for the local soil classes ZA, ZB, ZC, ZD and ZE equivalent earthquake loads were calculated separately using the SAP2000 analysis program. In general, it is seen that the buildings designed according to DBYBHY-2007 are stronger than those of TBDY-2018, while the earthquake performance analysis of some houses according to the number of floors and soils in some districts should be re-made and the buildings that do not have enough performance requirement should also be strengthened.


Uluslararasi Muhendislik Arastirma ve Gelistirme Dergisi


General Medicine

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