1. United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction, “Sendai framework for disaster risk reduction 2015-2030,” 2015. http://www.unisdr.org/we/coordinate/sendai-framework [Accessed July 2, 2015]
2. Imperial Earthquake Investigation Committee, “Report of the Imperial Earthquake Investigation Committee,” No.100, E., Tokyo, 1925 (in Japanese).
3. Special Board of Inquiry on Inheriting the Lessons of Past Disasters, “Report on the 1923 Great Kanto Earthquake Part 1: occurrence and mechanism,” Central Disaster Prevention Council, 2006 (in Japanese). https://www.bousai.go.jp/kyoiku/kyokun/kyoukunnokeishou/rep/1923_kanto_daishinsai/index.html#document1 [Accessed January 20, 2023]
4. Special Board of Inquiry on Inheriting the Lessons of Past Disasters, “Report on the 1923 Great Kanto Earthquake Part 2: rescue and relief,” Central Disaster Prevention Council, 2008 (in Japanese). https://www.bousai.go.jp/kyoiku/kyokun/kyoukunnokeishou/rep/1923_kanto_daishinsai_2/index.html [Accessed February 11, 2023]
5. Special Board of Inquiry on Inheriting the Lessons of Past Disasters, “Report on the 1923 Great Kanto Earthquake Part 3: recovery and social impact,” Central Disaster Prevention Council, 2009 (in Japanese). https://www.bousai.go.jp/kyoiku/kyokun/kyoukunnokeishou/rep/1923_kanto_daishinsai_3/index.html [Accessed March 11, 2023]