Checklist of the medicinal flora used by the local population in the province of Taza (north-eastern Morocco) through an ethnobotanical study


Ghabbour IssamORCID,Ghabbour NabilORCID,Khabbach AbdelmajidORCID,Louahlia SaidORCID,Hammani KhalilORCID


Background: Taza province presents enormous richness and biodiversity. Updating their medicinal plant inventories is crucial for conserving traditional knowledge, sustainable use, health and well-being, economic opportunities and collaborative research. Question: What new species and families of medicinal plants can we report by widening the ethnobotanical study area in Taza province compared to previous work? Studied species: 202 medicinal plant species. Study site and dates: 28 communities in the province of Taza (Morocco), between March and October 2021. Methods: An ethnobotanical survey including 340 interviewees using a semi-structured questionnaire. Results:  91 medicinal taxa belonging to 48 families were inventoried. 12 species including three spontaneous: Atriplex halimus L., Citrullus colocynthis L. Sch and Micromeria graeca (L.) Benth. ex Rchb. were reported for the first time. The most frequent species are respectively Salvia officinalis L., Trigonella foenum-graecum L. and Rosmarinus officinalis L. The most frequent families are respectively Lamiaceae, Asteraceae and Fabaceae. Seven new vernacular names have been listed. Most of the plants were spontaneous (55.9 %). The comparative analysis with previous work led to obtaining a checklist of 202 taxa (75 families) of which 65 have specific endemism and 77 (48 spontaneous) are on the red list. The scientific names of 28 species and nine families have been updated. Conclusions: This checklist (202 taxa) traduces the plant heritage richness of Taza province and constitutes a great database for future scientific research. The 12 newly listed species constitute an added value that deserves to be valued through ethnopharmacological studies.


Botanical Sciences, Sociedad Botanica de Mexico, AC

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