Kuźma Marian,Bałuka Paweł
In the present paper the mathematical model, introduced by Crutchfield [1], for video feedback performance is outlined. The two dynamical fractals observed in our video feedback experiment have been described. The first one shows the five-fold symmetry. Its spatial form relates well to the one which was simulated numerically by Andersen [2]. The second one consists of black strips with dislocations and rotates with the velocity of 0.2 1/s-1. The spatial form looks like a modern picture and its spatial time evolution correlates well with Chopin music.
Rzeszow University of Technology
Reference15 articles.
1. James P. Crutchfield, Space-time dynamics in video feedback, Physica I’0D (1984) 229-245.
2. Michael C. Andersen, Jesper Peterson, Simulation of videofeedback,(1996)
3. (
4. S.A .Collins, K. C. Wasmundt, Optical Feedback and bistability: a review, Opt. Eng.19 (1980) 478.
5. H.O.Peitgen, H. Jurgens, D. Saupe, Chaos and Fractals, Springer Verlag, N.Y.1992.