First record of Psorophora ferox (Diptera: Culicidae) infested with eggs of Dermatobia hominis (Diptera: Cuterebridae), in Ucayali: Peru


Requena-Zúñiga Edwin,Chapilliquen-Alban Fernando,Leon-Cueto Walter,Bances-Juarez Fredy,Valle-Toledo Jorge,Rojas-Jaimes Jesús


Abstract Introduction Dermatobia hominis belongs to the Cuterebridae family, Diptera order; These flies inhabit tropical regions where they are called "fly of death" since the larvae are capable of causing lesions in domestic animals, wild animals including humans, the adult females of D. hominis capture other dipteran to oviposit their eggs on them (phoresis), when hematophagous mosquitoes land on an animal and / or human in order to feed on their blood, the eggs hatch and the larvae immediately penetrate the skin where they will develop to later abandon the host, then in the soil and / or other moist substrate the pupal stage develops, finally new adult flies will emerge from the pupae. Objective The primary goal of the present study was to determine as first record, the presence of Psorophora ferox infested with eggs of Dermatobia hominis, Peru. Methodology The present study was carried out in an area of the private reserve "El Vencedor", located within the city of Pucallpa, Ucayali Region-Perú. The area is characterized by being humid tropical, with an average temperature of 26ºC and humidity of 92%, while the annual precipitation is approximately 1570 mm3. The capture method was carried out with the help of a hand net type "butterfly" or also called Jama. Results A total of 668 mosquitoes of different species were collected, the most abundant being Psorophora albigenu and Psorophora ferox, which represented 88.72% and the least abundant was Culex coronator and Uranotaenia apicalis with 0.15% of the total sample collected. Conclusions Within these specimens it was captured a mosquito of the species Ps. ferox with the presence of 8 eggs of D. hominis, of which 3 would have hatched, while in the remaining 5, the larvae would remain inside the eggs.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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