How to use machine learning and fuzzy cognitive maps to test hypothetical scenarios in health behavior change interventions: a case study on fruit intake


Mkhitaryan Samvel,Giabbanelli Philippe J.,Wozniak Maciej K.,de Vries Nanne K.,Oenema Anke,Crutzen Rik


Abstract Background Intervention planners use logic models to design evidence-based health behavior interventions. Logic models that capture the complexity of health behavior necessitate additional computational techniques to inform decisions with respect to the design of interventions. Objective Using empirical data from a real intervention, the present paper demonstrates how machine learning can be used together with fuzzy cognitive maps to assist in designing health behavior change interventions. Methods A modified Real Coded Genetic algorithm was applied on longitudinal data from a real intervention study. The dataset contained information about 15 determinants of fruit intake among 257 adults in the Netherlands. Fuzzy cognitive maps were used to analyze the effect of two hypothetical intervention scenarios designed by domain experts. Results Simulations showed that the specified hypothetical interventions would have small impact on fruit intake. The results are consistent with the empirical evidence used in this paper. Conclusions Machine learning together with fuzzy cognitive maps can assist in building health behavior interventions with complex logic models. The testing of hypothetical scenarios may help interventionists finetune the intervention components thus increasing their potential effectiveness.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health

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